All Publications

1 ) Mukasa S.B., Rubaihayo P.R. and Valkonen J.P.T. 2003. Incidence of viruses and virus-like diseases of sweetpotato in Uganda. Plant Disease 87, 329-335.
2 ) Mukasa S.B., Rubaihayo P.R. and Valkonen J.P.T. 2003. Sequence variability within the 3’-proximal part of the Sweet potato mild mottle virus genome. Archives of Virology 148: 487-496.
3 ) Mukasa S.B., Rubaihayo P.R. and Valkonen J.P.T. 2006. Interactions between a crinivirus, an ipomovirus and a potyvirus in coinfected sweetpotato plants. Plant Pathology, 55: 458–467
4 ) Mukasa S.B., Tairo F., Kreuze J.F., Kullaya A., Rubaihayo P.R. and Valkonen J.P.T. 2003. Coat protein sequence analysis reveals occurrence of new strains of SPFMV in Uganda and Tanzania. Virus Genes, 27: 49-56.
5 ) Namuddu, A., Kiggundu, A., Mukasa, S.B., Kurnet, K., Karamura, E. and Tushemereirwe, W. 2013. Agrobacterium mediated transformation of banana (Musa sp.) cv. Sukali Ndiizi (ABB) with a modified Carica papaya cystatin (CpCYS) gene. African Journal of Biotechnology 12(15): 1811-1819.
6 ) Namukwaya B., Tripathi L., Tripathi J.N., Arinaitwe G., Mukasa S.B., Tushemereirwe W.K. 2011. Transgenic banana expressing Pflp gene confers enhanced resistance to Xanthomonas wilt disease. Transgenic Research, DOI 10.1007/s11248-011-9574-y
7 ) Nuwagira, F., Mukasa, S.B., Wagoire, W.W., Namugga P., Kashaija, I.N. and Barekye A. 2015. Determination of hormonal combination for increased multiplication of tissue culture potato plantlets. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 16 (1): 129 – 137.
8 ) Nuwamanya, E., Rubaihayo, P.R., Mukasa, S., Kyamanywa., S., Hawumba., J. and Baguma., Y. 2014. Influence of spectral properties on cassava leaf development and metabolism. African Journal of Biotechnology, 13(7): 834-843.
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